IT Service

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IT Service Voice Telephone manual

Telephone manual

ManualDigital telephone

Phone classification

Phone classification - Telephone grade, International call, Domestic call, Local call, In-site call, Dedicated call
International (SA) Available Available Available Available Available
Domestic (SB) Available for
incoming call
Available Available Available Available
Local (A) Available for
incoming call
Available for
incoming call
Available Available Available
In-site (B) Available for
incoming call
Available for
incoming call
Available for
incoming call
Available Available

Call range and use guide

Call range and use guide - Call classification, Telephone grade, Method
Call classification Telephone grade Method
International call SA 9 + Telecom provider ID + Nation number + Local number + Phone number
Domestic call Over SB 9 + Local number + phone number
Local call Over A 9 + phone number
In-site call All Extension number

통신업체ID: 001(KT), 002(LG), 005(SK BB), 00700(SK Telink)
Telecom provider ID: 001(KT), 002(LG), 005(SK BB), 00700(SK Telink)

How to

How to - Call classification, Method
Call classification Method
External to Daejeon campus 042 + 350 + Extension
042 + 351 + Extension
External to Seoul campus 02 + 958 + Extension

How to use In-site call

How to use In-site call - Call classification, Method
Call classification Method
Everywhere to Daejeon campus *0 + Extension number
Everywhere to Dorm(Daejeon, Munji, Hwaam) *2 + Extension number
Everywhere to Seoul campus(including Dogok) *1 + Extension number
Everywhere to Nano Fab. *4 + Extension number
Everywhere to Busan Science Academy *5 + Extension number
Everywhere to KRIBB *6 + Extension number

Wired telephone use guide

Wired telephone use guide - No, Function, Function Descrip., Classification, Multi-function telephone, Normal telephone
No Function Function 
Classification Multi-function 
1 Receiving
other group
Function about receiving 
other group’s call
. ** + ringing number ** + ringing number
2 Receiving
same group
Function about receiving
smae group’s call
. ## ##
3 Reservation
on/off in-site call
Function about reservation call
which is already on the line
ON [CAMP] [H/F]+#1
OFF [CAMP]+Extension number #2+Extension number
4 Switching calls
to another
Switch every calls
to another
ON [FWD]+#+
Extension number
9 + phone number + #)
#3+Extension number
9 + phone number + #)
OFF [FWD]+0 #4
5 Switching calls
to another 
(On Call)
Switch calls to another 
when you are on the phone
ON [FWD]+##+
Extension number
9+ Extension number +#)
#5+Extension number
9+Extension number+#)
OFF [FWD]+0 #6
6 Switching calls
to another 
(No response)
Switch calls to another
when no response
ON [FWD]+###+
Extension number+#
9+ Extension number +#)
#7+Extension number
9+Extension number+#)
OFF [FWD]+0 #8
7 Discussion Discussion function with
Internal/External phone within 8
. press discussion button + 
phone number + 
discussion button 
(repeat) during call
Press [H/F] button +
phone number+ 
[H/F] + #9
(repeat) during call
8 Shortcut dial Register phone number (10) ON #1* + Shortcut(0~9) + phone number
OFF #1# + shortcut(0~9)
Use #1 + shortcut(0~9)
9 Switch calls Switch calls to another
when you are on the phone
. [Switch] + 
Phone number + [H/on]
[H/F]+phone number
10 Message Leave message during 
on the phone or no response
Reguster On call/No response
On call/No response⇒
Release *52+Phone number  
11 Check 
  Response [MESSG]Check +[MESSG] *53
Delete *54 *54
12 Wake up . Register *55+HH:MM+repeat
Release *56
13 Follow me Certain call to the phone Register *57+Phone number
Release *58+Phone number
14 Set 
Set no-response time 
when switch calls to another
Alter #01 + 1 + (Time sets by seconds)
15 Record calls Automatic record Register #03
Release #04
Record during call ON Press “Switch” button + #02 Press “Switch” button 
or H/F + #02
16 Automatic 
Register [Switch] + [shortcut] + 
003 + [shortcut] + 
phone number + [shortcut]
(External: 9 + phone number)
Release [Switch] + [shortcut] + 
012 + [shortcut]
17 ON/OFF On H/Off + [DND] ->
Display at monitor 
“Bell on” + H/On
Off H/Off + [DND] ->
Display monitor 
“Bell off” + H/On
18 Check 
Response/No response 1. [Scroll] + [Additional function] + 
[Scroll] + [Scroll] + 
[Response]/[No response] + 
[View detail] + [View detail]
2. Check by [Menu]
* [Volume] for next, prev
Outgoing 1. [Scroll] + [Additional function] + 
[Scroll] + [Scroll] + 
[Scroll] + [View number]
2. Check by [Menu]
* [Volume] for next, prev
* H/F : Hook Flesh, H/Off : Hook Off, H/On : Hook On