IT Service

We are here to provide better KAIST IT experiences.
IT Service Network IP/Domain


A service to apply for an IP issuance or domain.
※ College of Business(Seoul Campus) is not available at this service

How to set IP KCB Service Link


  • STEP1

    Complete and Submit to Application Form

  • STEP2

    Reviewed and approved by the person in charge of the submitted application (within 24 hours)

  • STEP3

    Acknowledgement Email Verification

Service Target

All KAIST members (only professors and employees are allowed in domain management)


  • The issued IP can be recalled if it is not used for a certain period of time.
  • When you receive a domain for your homepage, you must get a "Check for Web vulnerabilities."
Check for Web vulnerabilities
Domain search - Look up for an IP Address / domain name (Available for both internal and external networks)
Look up for an IP Address / domain name (Available for both internal and external networks)
Search for
e.g.) Domain:, IP: